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SEI Webcasts

Nov 11, 2016

In this webinar, we discussed how you can improve your organization's secure coding capabilities and how to improve your workforce, processes, and tools to develop and verify the security of your software before it is deployed.

Aug 15, 2016

Over the past few years, there has been a veritable explosion of hiring in the field of data science. Just ten years ago, the phrase data scientist was almost unheard of; nowadays, data scientist positions are advertised across numerous industries, with a particular focus on high tech. What is this position and why is it...

Aug 1, 2016

Learn why secure coding practices are important to reduce common programming errors that lead to vulnerabilities.

Aug 1, 2016

Learn the importance of developing security requirements in the same time frame as functional requirements.

Aug 1, 2016

Learn how to better identify process improvements at your organization through new perspectives on secure software development and delivery.