Nov 14, 2014
Safety-critical systems, such as those used in avionics and the medical and aerospace domains, are becoming increasingly reliant on software. Malfunctions in these systems can have significant consequences, including mission failure and loss of life. As a result, they must be designed, verified, and validated carefully...
Nov 13, 2014
Watch Dave Zubrow discuss "Taking Advantage of Agile while Minimizing Risk" at the Agile for Government Summit. The purpose of this event was to: *foster better understanding of how agile software development methods are providing the basis for incremental and modular acquisition across Government *to discuss the...
Nov 13, 2014
On April 25, 2014, technical staff from the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and Codenomicon participated in a live-streamed panel discussion on the impact of the Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability along with methods to mitigate and even prevent crises like this in the future. Chris Clark, Security Engineer...
Oct 6, 2014
Watch Ipek Ozkaya discuss “Why Should Government Care about Technical Debt and Software Architecture?” at the Agile for Government Summit. The purpose of this event was to: • foster better understanding of how agile software development methods are providing the basis for incremental and modular acquisition...
Oct 6, 2014
What constitutes stellar performance and best practice? You can't really say what's good or best ... unless you measure it. High-performing athletes rely on measurement to understand and improve so that they can compete effectively and win. Can knowledge workers such as software engineers use measurement in a...